Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm Back...


Anyone out there?

I am going to try my derndest to commit to blogging again.

Perhaps a blog-a-thon would help.

The idea came to me today, as I started cleaning up Christmas. It's time for a fresh start. The first step I took was cleaning out the coat closet so that I could fit the Christmas tree back inside. Doing so opened up my clothing options! I was shocked to find jackets I hadn't seen in years.

So maybe the same could be said of my mind. While I've been toiling at anatomy, I've gotten out of touch with daily feelings and observations. I know stuff is lurking in the brain, it's just been stuffed full holding facts and figures.

A new blog look, a new year, a new semester. A little less memorization, a little more writing.

This feels a little strange. Kind of like friends that haven't spoken since they got drunk and said some things they now can't remember.

It'll come back to me. Just be patient.


Liz Anne said...

OMG A POST! I've been waiting patiently for you to get back here, yay!

Happy Me said...

Woo hooo!!!! Welcome back!!!

Jennifer said...

Thank freaking posted!!!!!!!!!!!