Monday, March 22, 2010

Reason #895 I love my mom...

The greatest thing I have ever learned came from my mother.

She taught me that all of us carries certain gifts that we bestow upon the world.

"God gives something to everyone."

I still hear my mom utter her patented line today. As a kid, I recalled it every time I met someone who intimidated me, or in times when I had the shallowness to pity a person.

The girl next to you in homeroom might have been a knockout, but she didn't have a sense of humor on a bad hair day.

Jimmy, your next-door neighbor, was plug as a bug in a rug, but the kid would defend your ass on the playground.

My mom is a smart lady. Her strength and goodness shine. Other stories on her to follow in the coming days.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Happy Me said...

That is a great reason to love your mom! She's absolutely right!

I LOVE that picture of her with your kids, what a fantastic shot!