Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 16- And I Shall Wear Him Down

Scot is still sick.

Not sick sick like we're going to need to hospitalize him, but sick enough that if he keeps going (literally) he'll be able to wear my jeans soon.

I made an Immodium run yesterday. Hasn't seemed to work much. His throat hurts, and he has dark circles under his eyes. He skulks about and is listless.

But the ultimate barometer of his health is how much I can take advantage of him in his weakened state. Many years ago, I bought a fake tree for Christmas (which he detests) while he writhed in pain with the stomach flu. Just dragged that baby in and set it up. He never said a word.

Today, I opened a facebook account for Scot. This is the Scot that thinks facebook is for chicks with spare time. He hasn't batted an eye.

Go ahead and befriend him. Gregory Scot Muma.

And don't you worry- I'm in the profile shot. I might sell him down the river, but I'm not giving him away. :)


beacon72 said...


Jennifer said...

I'm sending your hubby a friend request! Love it!