Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Can you say that another way?

I can only imagine how hard it is to give the same speech a couple dozen times in 11 days . How many ways are there to say the same thing?


Can Sara Palin utter any words other than

"I told them thanks, but no thanks."

I know Palin's got a staff that's helping her to bone up on crucial issues such as geography, table etiquette , and history. There must be a speech writer lolling about somewhere. Does no one in her camp have ears? I've heard it so much I'm starting to think I'm carrying cable news broadcasts in my brain. And while these handlers are at it, get the chick some new glasses. The hot-for-teacher image will fly even if she's sporting smaller frames.


Jennifer said...

She scares me. REALLY scares me.

Unknown said...

I'm with Jennifer...she scares me too. I can't believe there is a woman in the world who would vote for her with her strong anti-woman record.

And on another topic: I strongly believe I am your dog's best friend. She sure greets me that way!