Sunday, March 8, 2009

day 36 - Jonathon Krohn

Have you heard of Johnathon Krohn yet? Prepare yourself, and get out your best belt because you're gonna wanna spank the lad silly after you listen to his conservative pedantic bullshit. Krohn is fourteen years old and with Rush Limbaugh shares the honor of being the new face and voice of the GOP . I'm not kidding you. Last week Krohn addressed the conservative Political Action Conference.

It kills me to say this, but... the kid can speak- seriously. He is dynamic and electric. Watch the video. But, I'm not sure he knows what the hell he's saying. He just utters "conservative" in enough octaves to make Julie Andrews proud. His web site's home page has a letter of welcome from Krohn, and in it he mentions the word "conservative" 23 times. He also "prays that you will use (his) book to better understand the ideas, principles, and values of conservatism." Oh yeah, last year, Krohn published a book on conservatism where he introduces his four pillars of conservatism. My favorite is "less government." I don't want to hear another Republican say that again. The last eight years were spent invading a country, tarnishing our good name with our busybody arrogance and reversing gay marriage laws. That doesn't sound like less government in my life. For God's sakes, get another rallying cry.

Boy wonder is precocious like Doogie Howser, exceptionally well poised for a teen, but seemingly programmed by parents and his ever present baptist faith. To be fair, I won't be asking Hannah Montana or The Jonas brothers for their take on Obama's policies either. I am genuinely excited that a youth has such an interest in politics and our country, but I won't be listening till you've voted, had a drink, gone to college, lost a job, and paid some rent. Period.

1 comment:

La Rivera said...

That last sentence of yours sums up how I feel, too.