Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 88 - King of the Cool Forward

Today I got a forward from my sister-in-law. It was detailing a million other uses for coffee filters. She usually forwards Naked Men from Alaska or chain letters.

My father doesn't forward much junk on the computer. But, if it's a joke involving priests, it'll come your way. He's also partial to sand painters (such as the guy in the Qwest commercials) and street painters who create 3D masterpieces.

My dad sent this one today. It's over five minutes, but worth watching. I started to nod off at the 2-minute mark, but snapped awake to watch the ending.

Hope it's one of the better things to come your way today. Enjoy!


Happy Me said...

That's pretty amazing that he can do that so fast and to music! Thank you for sharing it :-)

Mary said...

Loved your mothers Day tribute. You are a very wise woman. But then you are my daughter. The music/art was great. I thought he was drawing a dog,tho. Keep your womanly strength,it becomes you. Mary