Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 94 - 25,000 Mornings

On Thursday, my father got a call from his doctor. Seems his follow-up MRI on his pancreas is showing a large mass. The doctor has ordered tests. And now we wait. If it's serious, surgery. If it's really serious, well, I dare not go there. If it's simply inflammation, they will be released for take-off. My parents were supposed to shove off for Michigan on Sunday. Now they are in a travel holding pattern.

This will be our third annual summer trip to Michigan. If my parents don't go, I will probably stay home as well. It just wouldn't be any fun with half the party missing. Every morning, as I drink my coffee, I see an ad for "Pure Michigan." On my most callous, hardened day, the ads make me tear up, and serve as a "carpe diem" siren. Today, this ad was almost too much for me to bear.

Come on pancreas, the fish are biting! We need to get to Michigan.

1 comment:

Happy Me said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with you, your dad, and the doctors to find what's wrong and to be able to cure it!